Monday, October 20, 2008

First Post

So, every day I have one encounter or another that I try to remember. Whether it's a situation I derive joy from, or I just happen to think someone is particularly hilarious... I keep these situations cataloged in my head. Of course, given their transitive nature, they eventually dissolve or disappear, like a joke or a song. I'd rather keep them, but I need to write them down to do that. Maybe later on I won't even be amused by them, but I'll try to give them enough context that it will at least still be interesting. I figure, what better depository than the internets for such a dumping ground? That way anyone else who might be amused by them can join me in my daily swim through the random and mediocre. I'm not promising poignant, I never promised you poignant.
"Conversation of the day", or C.O.D. copyright Nick Pappas. You snost and lost, Pappalope!

1 comment:

Nick Pappas said...

I hate it when I snost...