Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Old man, poking at the Fig Newtons to the side of the cash register at the hero place: "What's this, fig... never seen that before. Says it's free, fat free? They lyin'. How they do that?"
Shop owner shrugs.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New combo word

Tommy: that would be fantasgreat
me: stop trying to make that a thing, Tommy.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bearded young white guy (not that common a sight in our neighborhood) walking alongside me and Emily last night: "What are you two up to tonight?"
We respond in a friendly but not-too-friendly way. "Oh, going home to drink some margaritas!"
He mutters: "You guys wanna hook up?"...
I laugh: "you're joking, right?" - I turn to look him in the face and he gets a sort of irritated, flustered look on his face.
"What do you think?"

I am at a loss for words for a moment. ME.

"I mean... I gotta respect you for trying, but I think the time and place are a little off. Godspeed, my friend!"

We hustle off and he stops following us.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ana: I hate vegans. I hate you all.
I hope hell is a giant Meat Castle full of hot dogs

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nylon Mag

Emily: "Erin, no! You know once you start critiquing Nylon you've stooped down to their level. You're better than that."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ana: you're the smartest Erin.
I wish you told people your wisdom.
You're like a tiny Buddha with a fierce red haircut

Friday, February 10, 2012

Josh and I discuss the new abstinence- only education bill running through the House in Utah.
There's a professor from BYU speaking out against it, but of course Gayle Ruzicka likes the bill.
me: "Oh, fuck Gayle Ruzicka. She can lick my taint."
Josh: "But she wouldn't know where it is."