Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dull Roar

I'm studying, Josh just got home and we're going out later so he's decided to take a nap.
J: Well, I'm gonna take a nap for a little bit hon, try to keep the party to a dull roar.
E: Yeah, I'll try, but you know me.
J: Try to keep the freestyle rapping to a minimum.
E: The day I freestyle rap while you're napping...
J: Freestyle napping!?
E: That'd be like a competition where you see if you can fall asleep in random places.
J: They call that narcolepsy.
E: Yeah, well narcolepts have an unfair advantage.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Barking Frog

7:20 am, Union study area, 3 of my classmates and I are tossing ideas around before class.
It's early, I haven't quite got myself together yet, and I shift slightly and a sound comes out of my butt. Way too loud to just pretend it didn't happen. I sit in half-shock, a half-grimace half- smile on my face. I'm just not used to being quite this mortified. The two young lds girls sort of look at each other, as if to be chatting amongst themselves and save me some embarrassment. The 40-something military father of three, however, smirks.
"Well. Excuse you!"
"Yeah, excuse me, yeesh!"
"You got a frog in your coat there?"
"I sure do!"

... end scene.