Sunday, October 31, 2010

it's like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny became hot women giving out blowjobs! - Eric Fisher
Susan B. A BITCH, more like.
Ryan, if you told me you had both a penis and a vagina, I wouldn't believe you. Because I think you only have male genitalia.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

*commercial voice* "The Office- 30 Rock for idiots..."
-Josh, in his infinite television wisdom.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Erin Fox

Oh dear... they're having a tea party over there...
Erin F on whatever Ana and Mark are secretively discussing

Ana on food

Ana: I just can't worship what I will soon poop.

On the topic of getting off one's high horse

Everyone's contentedness to ride around on tiny ponies, sucking up other tiny pony's fart fumes, is depressing. It's a good thing that a few people are on a taller horse, so they can survey the scene and direct traffic. - Kansas
"Yes. Taste my teeeam..." - Josh, while watching the Jazz game last night

Monday, October 18, 2010

Eric Fisher Heston

Silly rabbit! Trix are people! TRIX ARE PEEEOPLE!

-Eric Fisher

A regular Dalai Lama

Maybe that's the key to happiness... resignation.
-My mother, the lovable negative Nancy

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Josh on The Office (u.s.)

"Tonight on The Office: Jim looks at the camera quizzically."- Josh

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

little boy around 10 in Hull sitting on his bike, says he loves America. Says he just came back from Orlando and he loved it. I say "Orlando!? You cannot say you love America because you went to Orlando."
after a moment of silence, girl sitting next to him mutters dreamily, "Orlando Blooooooom..."
Little girl to Eric: "Do you like your accent? I hate mine. I wish I had an accent."

(phonetic translation: "d'yew lak yrawksint? Oi 'aight moin. Oi wesh oi hud n uksint."


Girl sitting on the fence in Hull: "Ah yoo 'ea t'see the aaaahses?" Translation: "are you here to see the horses?"

Girl asking why Ana is filming in a phone booth

First girl: "Are you making a moooooveyyy?" her friend says: "I'm a pooooooorn staaaaaaahr!!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ana: I'm going to start working on my English impression.
Eric: It's easy. Just make sure you include the phrase "I say, old bean." and "what what!" at the end.

later that night, Ana: "Knock knock -who's there?- interrupting England. -interrup- HELLO BEAN WHATWHAT!"
- Ana's chainsaw impression