Saturday, January 17, 2009


This blog totally died.
The culprit? The IT department at work. I guess blogging is probably too social an activity to be doing during work hours, and since many of my conversations stay in my head maybe two minutes if not written down, still figuring out a way to do this. Might just email thoughts to myself and transfer later, but I can't see that happening very often.
I've been volunteering at a certain well-known Utah film festival, so I'm trying to remember conversations I overhear from douchy old trust fund babies and kids looking for movie stars... I did overhear one conversation on the street the other day though:
Two guys, two girls- they've obviously just met.
Guys: So you two just got here today?
Girls: Yeah, we're totally just winging it.
Guys: So you know where you're staying and everything?
Girls: No! We have no idea what we're doing.

... who does that? Also, really sounds like a recipe for a compromising position, if you ask me. *shrug* Welcome to ____dance.