Monday, November 28, 2011


Archived older Josh posts:

Easily amused
"Teeheehee", Josh giggles from the living room.
"What's so funny?", I ask.
"I'm putting my glasses on the cat."

Bird Whisperer
Josh is reading a book, I'm internetting, and birds outside are chirping very loudly.

Josh: "Are those actual birds?"
me: "Yes. They're very loud."
Josh: *gets up, walks over to the window, sticks his face out* "BAAAAAAAGH. BA! BAAAGH. BAAAAAGGGHGHHGHGH. "

I'm cackling at this point.
J: "It was worth a shot." *goes back to book*
"This is not ironic. This is serious." - Josh, on his moustache.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Got to get you into my wife!"- Josh uh....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Somebody needs to tell those cinnamon scented pine cones to calm the fuck down!- Alex Horwood

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I do not like four loko! It is a racist drink! - Carlos

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I can smell douchebaggery like a dog smells... Other dog's butts. -Emily

Sunday, November 20, 2011

You are a terrible. Person. - Emily, to me

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lesser known fact

Vinny: As someone who has broken somewhere between 8 and 10 bones in his lifetime, I'm gonna tell you guys something really weird. Did you know that you can smell it when you've broken a bone? True story, if you have broken enough bones to learn to recognize it, you can tell instantly just by the smell.

Geoff, again

Vegetables are for Lesbian Chimpanzees, If it wasn't for meat-sauce the world would be like Children of Men

My cousin, the great Geoff Taylor

Looks like we're stuck with Eurozone crises and Global Financial Fail again...Oh wait, not me, I get free knowledge and food and housing and Government monies. Perfect timing, see you honkies later when you're the garbage people in a Billy Idol Music video. My facebook is going dormant... Because the near future cyberpunk dystopia involves Billy Idol-esque settings and all civilian peoples are either garbage peoples or top-of-sky-scraper-transformer-grabber-peoples

Thursday, November 17, 2011

If Smart Water is so fucking smart, how come it's not tacos?
- Alex Horwood

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Move back to Salt Lake so we can drink mojitos and watch docs about birds? - Ana

Monday, November 14, 2011

I got 99 problems but jizz on my pants ain't one. -Emily
Toto, I don't think we're at Benny Burrito's anymore. -Emily

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Girls are ugly. I feel bad for guys. This is why I don't get laid... -Emily
There is no room for weird dicks in my life right now. -Emily

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I mean, he compared Obama to Hitler. - Of course! He did kill millions of jews...